Qualification – 1309043 «Communication Technician»,
Language of instruction – state, Russian

Sphere of professional activity:
The sphere of professional activity is the field of science and technology, which includes a set of technologies, means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating conditions for the exchange of information at a distance, and the transformation of information through electronic means.
Objects of professional activity:
The objects of professional activity are enterprises, complexes, institutions, educational organizations and others. Objects on which technological systems, technical means are used, providing any transmission, emission and reception of signs, signals, written text, images, sounds, by wire, radio, optical , and also information conversion by electronic means or the following other systems:
*communication networks and switching systems
*multichannel telecommunication systems, including optical range systems
*radio communication systems and devices, including satellite, radio relay and mobile communication systems
*systems and devices for sound and television broadcasting, electro-acoustics and speech informatics, multimedia technology
*data transmission systems and devices
*electronic, including computer systems for managing objects, converting information
*means of information protection in telecommunication systems
*means of metrological support of telecommunication systems and networks
*management of operational and service maintenance of telecommunication devices.
Educational and industrial practices are an obligatory part of the educational program. Work practice takes place in two stages: practice by specialty profile and pre-diploma practice. As a rule, practices are organized in communication institutions, broadcasting companies, at stations of communication operators.

Duration of training:
On the basis of basic secondary education - 2 years 10 months;
On the basis of general secondary education - 1 year 10 months.

Social partners:  JSC "NC" KTZ", Ltd "Avis Plus", a branch of JSC "KTZ Astana distance signaling and communication", JSC "Transtelecom"